Lotao Jackfruit am Baum


Fleshy fruit
Nudel Hot Pot mit Jackfruit Curry von Lotao


Traditional fruit from Southeast Asia
Straight from the tree

Jackfruit is one of the most valuable fruits for a vegan diet. It is considered a product innovation in this country, in fact it has long been an important source of food in South Asia, but also a cultural and economic asset.

Archaeological discoveries show that jackfruit was cultivated in India over a thousand years ago. Today the country is the largest producer with 1.4 million tons (2017) - ahead of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia and Brazil. The jackfruit tree is valued for its fruit, but also for its sturdy wood.

The appearance of the jackfruit fruit is rustic: hard and prickly on the outside, its flesh has a tender consistency and a sweet taste when ripe. The botanical genus is related to the mulberry and fig. The fruit is considered the largest tree fruit in the world. The culinary popularity of jackfruit thrives on its enormous versatility, which is also determined by the variety of varieties and degree of ripeness.

Lotao Jackfruit am Baum
Asiatisches Essen mit Jackfruit und Reis von Lotao
Degree of maturity and diversity of varieties

Basically, a distinction is made between unripe - called "green" or "young jackfruit" - and ripe jackfruit. The former is harvested when the fruit is fully formed but not yet ripe. At this point, the flesh is tender and has a neutral taste. When plucked, it has a consistency like pulled pork. This special property makes the fruit more and more popular worldwide as a meat alternative.

The ripe jackfruit, on the other hand, is characterized by a crunchy consistency with a sweet and fruity taste profile reminiscent of pineapple and banana. It is mainly enjoyed raw or in the form of chips as a light snack.

Many varieties are grown in South Asia, which differ significantly in appearance and taste. The large jackfruit fruits with yellow and fragrant flesh are particularly well-known.

Our producers: organic farming cooperatives

Lotao offers the sweet chips made from the Nangka Salak variety of jackfruit from Central Java. With its crunchy consistency and balanced taste, it is the ideal basis for our jackfruit chips. Nangka Salak is grown by a purely organic farmers' cooperative in Banjarnegara, a region of central Java (Indonesia) that is characterized by rainforest and agriculture.

The cooperative cultivates the plant with other crops as a mixed culture. This diversity ensures a stable ecosystem. The nutrient content of the soil remains stable and the large number of species ensures sufficient resistance to pests. No pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used.

Lotaos organic jackfruit producers and exporters are certified by the Indonesian government, EU and USDA (USA).

We source our young tender jackfruit, which we use as a meat alternative, from an Indian farming cooperative, where the fruit is harvested by hand. The products of the association of farmers are certified with the organic seal of approval of the EU and USDA of the USA.

This cooperative is also supported as part of an EU development project. We as a company are actively involved in this. Our goal is to support the professionalization of sustainable regional jackfruit production that relies on mixed cultivation. To this end, young farmers are trained and supported on their way to independence.

Lotao Jackfruit Gulasch mit Kraut und Schupfnudeln
Jackfruit aufgeschnitten


ideal for vegans

traditional fruit from Southeast Asia


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Mit dem Kauf unserer Produkte unterstützen Sie diese Kooperativen. Aber Sie tun auch sich Gutes. Denn für Veganer und Menschen, die ihren Fleischkonsum einschränken wollen, ist Jackfruit eine leckere Option. Die Frucht ist reich an Kalium, Vitaminen C und A, Magnesium, Ballaststoffen und Antioxidantien. Sie lässt sich als Fleischalternative in einer Vielzahl westeuropäischer Gerichte verwenden. Die grüne Frucht hat eine fleischige Textur und neutralen Geschmack, der sich optimal mit Gewürzen verbindet. Aber es lohnt sich auch die kulinarische Tradition Südasiens mit ihr zu entdecken. Dort ist sie wichtiger Bestandteil vieler Nationalgerichte. Sie wird zu jeder Tageszeit serviert – auch am Morgen. Idlis ist zum Beispiel ein beliebtes traditionelles Frühstücksgericht Südindiens, für das ein fermentierter Teig aus Jackfruit und Reis zubereitet und zu gedämpften Küchlein weiterverarbeitet wird. Kota Gudeg dagegen ist ein populäres indonesisches Gericht, für das zunächst Jackfruit, Kokosmilch und Palmzucker gekocht wird und dann mit Reis, Knoblauch, Schalotten, Kerzennüssen, Koriandersamen, Lorbeerblättern und Teak-Blättern serviert wird. Es ist in der Universitätsstadt Yogyakarta so beliebt, dass der Name zum Spitznamen der Stadt avanciert ist: City of Gudeg. Unser Tipp: Unbedingt ausprobieren! Wir bieten Ihnen Jackfruit als Fleischalternative in unverarbeiteter Form an, aber auch als schnell zuzubereitende Convenient-Gerichte: Sie haben die Wahl zwischen Curry, Gulasch, Barbecue sowie Natur, und den leckeren Veggie Balls und Burgern. Außerdem führen wir verschiedene Frischeprodukte und süße Snacks. Entdecken Sie die leckere Geschmackswelt der Jackfruit. Es lohnt sich!